It really offers endless photo opportunities. I'll be posting this journal of sorts of many of our Yellowstone trips. Some of the pictures with commentary and descriptions and others without. My hopes is to have a place where you can come to and learn a bit about Yellowstone, nature, whatever...but have a chance to see what the park is all about from my point of view.
Enjoy the photos...Here are a few more.
Amazing colors. It's an artists paradise too. For you painters out there....use mother nature as a guide. The colors of the photo above are beautiful. The oranges, blues, browns, gray/tans make a spectacular scene. It's also a great tool to use colors that work well in nature for your own paintings. And they don't have to be nature type paintings. You could be painting a creature or outerspace planet...the key is that the colors work well together. Just drop those same colors on a palette and pick up your brushes. It's an easy way to know how many colors you need and what colors to choose that work well together.
This shot makes me think of those amazing space photos of earth...shrouded in clouds with amazing colors. Very other world like. It's as if you're on another planet when you're in these geyser basins. Spectacular!
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